Ping Li   ( Alexander, Anderson, Arthur, Adeline)

Co-Founder and CEO, VecML Inc.    ( Youtube    LinkedIn)



Generative AI Models (also see NLP and KG for papers relavant to generative AI models) 生成模型

Natural Language Processing (NLP), Cross-Modal, Cross-Language, Vision + NLP. (Also see related papers in Ads and Knowledge Graphs) 自然语言,跨模态,多模态

Advertising (Ads) 广告,搜广推

Input method editor (IME) 输入法

Knowledge graphs (KG) 知识图谱

Federated Learning, Deep Learning Tranining Algorithms 联邦学习、分布式训练、和深度学习训练算法

AI model security 模型安全

A/B testing